Lift Every Voice: A Conversation Series

Description: Lift Every Voice is a live streaming conversation pairing community advocates, experts, youth, and artists to discuss activism and advocacy in arts, food access, and broadcasting the voices of those with less access to power in the community.

People: Jackie Cole (producer), Faith McKinnie (curator/host), Kiara Reed (graphic design and host), Paul Willis (hype man/host).

Lift Every Voice - one page.png


Jackie Cole, principal of VG Consulting wanted to create a livestream that didn’t feel like the typical Zoom video series that many others were turning to during the COVID pandemic. The challenge: we had less than two weeks to create a robust platform featuring a host, several guests, and interaction from the public.



After an initial consultation with Jackie, we chose StreamYard to broadcast to FaceBook Live. We designed the broadcast to reflect the branding of the series, technically consulted until launch day, and created a guide to handoff live broadcast production.